Jameda International

The leading cargo shipping trader
company in the Philippines
Platinum member, PHILGEPS
" We do better "

Japan body refurbish

Dual axle

Never been used in the Philipines

Tire size 10 x 20, 80 to 90 % usable , not brand new

Led autovolt tail, signal & clearance lights, air brake chamber, 7 way & gladhand

Paint single or solid color per Client request.

LTO registration under the name of client.

Japan body refurbish

Dual axle

Never been used in the Philipines

Tire size 10 x 20, 80 to 90 % usable , not brand new

Led autovolt tail, signal & clearance lights, air brake chamber, 7 way & gladhand

Paint single or solid color per Client request.

LTO registration under the name of client.

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